COVID-19 Updates
We are pleased to be open for in person visits 6 days a week! Appointments are filling up quickly so give us a call or visit our Online Booking Site to make an appointment! To set up direct billing with us, please contact us to provide us with your insurance or claim information.
Please note the following changes we have made to keep you safe
- Come to your appointment alone unless you need to accompany a minor.
- Please bring and wear a mask in the clinic.
- Prior to your appointment, you will be sent a wellness questionnaire via email to confirm that you are feeling well before entering the clinic.
- When you are arrive in the clinic, please proceed to the back to wash your hands immediately and then go directly to your assigned room.
- You must keep 6ft away from all others except your practitioner.
- If you need to pay for your appointment or need to make an additional appointment, please keep behind the glass shield at the counter.
We will continue to monitor the situation and adjust measures as things change and we look forward to seeing you soon. Follow our social media pages for the latest updates. Thank you for your patience and understanding in these uncertain times, and take care!
North Shore Sports Medicine
Communicable Disease Prevention Plan
As of July 1, we are transitioning out of our COVID-19 Safety Plan and transitioning to a Communicable Disease Prevention Plan based on the Provincial Health Orders and other authorities’ guidelines.
Ongoing measures:
- Support staff who have symptoms of a communicable disease (for example, fever and/or chills, recent onset of coughing, diarrhea), so they can avoid being at NSSM when sick. Anyone who is feeling unwell and cannot work, should call Sohail as soon as possible.
- Promoting hand hygiene by providing hand hygiene facilities with appropriate supplies and reminding employees through policies and signage to wash their hands regularly and to use appropriate hygiene practices
- Maintaining a clean environment through routine cleaning processes
- Ensuring building ventilation is properly maintained and functioning as designed
- Supporting employees in receiving vaccinations for vaccine-preventable conditions
Masks will continue to be mandatory within the clinic. As we are not aware of who is fully vaccinated, and children under 12 will not have been vaccinated at all, masks are necessary to keep us all safe. We will re-evaluate this when BC enters Stage 4 of the COVID plan.
We will be monitoring all communication from the College of Physiotherapists of BC, as well as WorkSafeBC, the PHO, and the other Colleges relevant to NSSM, to ensure that we continue to meet and/or exceed all requirements.
During any periods of elevated risk, we will follow the guidelines of the medical health officer or the PHO.
We will post our new measures online and at the clinics so everyone arriving at NSSM is aware of our measures, policies, and procedures.
We will continually evaluate and update our plan based on changing risk levels.
Pre-Screen Questionnaire:
We will continue to use the pre-screen questionnaire prior to each patient visit as it is still relevant to Communicable Disease Prevention. We will be altering the questions based on the current BC Self-Assessment tool ( The use of this tool will be re-evaluated when BC enters stage 4 of the COVID plan.
New Screening Questions
- Have you had a fever, cough, loss of taste or smell, difficulty breathing, or felt unwell in the last 7 (vaccinated) – 10 (unvaccinated) days?
- Have you been advised to isolate yourself by public health?
- Have you travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days? (patients who are fully vaccinated are permitted to attend an appointment sooner than 14 days)
- If you answered “yes” to question 3a, have you been fully vaccinated against COVID-19?
- If you answered “yes” to question 3a and your travel was outside of Canada or the US, have you received a negative test after entry into Canada as per government requirements?
We will discontinue the use of the sign-off sheets confirming that people have completed a self-assessment.
Clinic Cleaning protocols will be re-evaluated and updated based on all guidelines we have received. Please note the new procedures when they are distributed.