Communicable Disease Prevention Plan
As of July 1, we are transitioning out of our COVID-19 Safety Plan and transitioning to a Communicable Disease Prevention Plan based on the Provincial Health Orders and other authorities’ guidelines.
Ongoing measures:
- Support our staff who have symptoms of a communicable disease (for example, fever and/or chills, recent onset of coughing, diarrhea), so they can avoid being at NSSM when sick. Anyone who is feeling unwell and cannot work, should call Sohail as soon as possible.
- Promoting hand hygiene by providing hand hygiene facilities with appropriate supplies and reminding employees through policies and signage to wash their hands regularly and to use appropriate hygiene practices
- Maintaining a clean environment through routine cleaning processes
- Ensuring building ventilation is properly maintained and functioning as designed
- Supporting employees in receiving vaccinations for vaccine-preventable conditions
Masks will continue to be mandatory within the clinic. As we are not aware of who is fully vaccinated, and children under 12 will not have been vaccinated at all, masks are necessary to keep us all safe. We will re-evaluate this when BC enters Stage 4 of the COVID plan.
We will be monitoring all communication from the College of Physiotherapists of BC, as well as WorkSafeBC, the PHO, and the other Colleges relevant to NSSM, to ensure that we continue to meet and/or exceed all requirements.
During any periods of elevated risk, we will follow the guidelines of the medical health officer or the PHO.
We will post our new measures online and at the clinics so everyone arriving at NSSM is aware of our measures, policies, and procedures.
We will continually evaluate and update our plan based on changing risk levels.
Pre-Screen Questionnaire:
We will continue to use a pre-screen questionnaire prior to each patient visit as it is still relevant to Communicable Disease Prevention. We will be altering the questions based on the current BC Self-Assessment tool ( The use of this tool will be re-evaluated when BC enters stage 4 of the COVID plan.
New Screening Questions
- Do you have a fever, cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing?
- Have you been sick with a fever, cough, or breathing difficulties in the last 10 days?
- Have you had contact with someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
- Have you travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days?
- Note: those exempt from quarantine will be allowed in the clinic after they receive their day one negative test result.
We will discontinue the use of the sign-off sheets confirming that staff and practitioners have completed a self-assessment.
Clinic Cleaning protocols have been re-evaluated and updated based on all guidelines we have received. Please note the new procedures when they are distributed.
Cleaning Procedure
- Strip linens including pillowcases, blanket, and towel and place in laundry
- Disinfect the bed, knee pillow, stool, and chair handles
- Disinfect any tools used with spray and wipes
- Disinfect door handles and drawer handles
- Disinfect any gym equipment used that was not cleaned by practitioner
- Therabands in the crate – wash in a sink with warm soapy water for 30 seconds, hang to dry or dry with a clean towel. Can be done when a number of therabands are in “dirty” crate, and/or at end of day
- Wash hands
- Make up bed with new linens and 1 pillow (blankets, bolsters, and additional pillow are by request only)
- At 10, 2, 5, and end of day disinfect high touch areas such as the front door handle/frame, counter, plexiglass, moneris machine, staff room door, staff room counter, your own workstation,bathrooms, sign on spreadsheet
- End of day – wash floor in gym area and washrooms
Start of Shift Notes
- ALL STAFF AND PRACTITIONERS MUST do the self-assessment tool before coming to work
- Use doorstops to prop front and back doors open to encourage airflow
- Turn off heat if you open the door
- Wash your hands when you arrive at the clinic
- Put on mask (one new one provided per day for staff or you can wear your own cloth or disposable)
- Disinfect your station
- Instruct patient of what to expect at their appointment in the following order:
- Patients need to complete the screening questions before each appointment
- Patients will need to bring a mask and wear it at all times in the clinic
- IF they forget their mask or don’t have one, they can purchase one from us for a voluntary minimum donation of $2 with proceeds going to the North Vancouver Food Bank
- Patients will be asked to go straight to the back to wash their hands upon arrival, then go straight to their assigned room
- Please stay 6’ apart from everyone except your therapist while in the clinic
- Please exit the clinic via the side door if you do not need to pay after their visit
- If you need to make a payment, please go to the front desk and see the coordinator at the plexiglass station
- Booking future appointments should be done online or via phone if possible. If they would like to book when they leave the clinic, that is fine as long as they stand in front of the plexiglass.
- If you need to pay, please stand before the plexiglass guard while dealing with coordinators
IF anyone is showing symptoms of COVID 19, we will ask them to leave the clinic immediately and call 811 for guidance (the person showing symptoms). Inform Paige or Sohail, and a coordinator on-site. There will be a coordinated 811 call to establish the required protocol depending on the exposure.
It is expected that everyone will wear masks in the clinic common areas
It is up to the patient and practitioner if masks are worn INSIDE the treatment room WITH CURTAINS/DOOR CLOSED. It is up to the practitioner if they wish to offer or discuss with patient if they are okay with no mask.
- A suggestion to wear short sleeves so you can wash your arms as necessary
- Do NOT touch your face
- Confirm consent for treatment with risks of lack of social distancing
- Inform the admin staff for the day of patients who need extra time to enter the clinic, wash their hands, and get ready for their treatment (ex.: wheelchair and walker-users)
- We will need to stop the cancellation fees for now
- Maintain 6’ social distancing where you chart, eat, and have breaks
- Do NOT use admin computers, phones, etc.
- Avoid the front desk area unless absolutely necessary
- Ensure all hot pack covers and towels that touch patient are put in the laundry
- Do NOT touch needles and stuff on the carts unless you have just washed your hands or put on fresh gloves
- GYM – disinfect any equipment you or your patients touch. Place therabands and small equipment in crate provided to be cleaned if you do not have time.
- GYM – you and patients should wash your hands after being in gym area especially if your hands are on the floor
- Open doors for you patients
- Disinfect both door handles (in and out) between patients
- Disinfect face cradle AGAIN when patient is in room, so they see you do it
- Do NOT use thermophores
- Recommended that you each have gloves, protective goggles and other commercially available PPE items available if patient requests their use, or if RMT chooses to use them
As of July 8 2021