Kai Wang, a dedicated practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and registered acupuncturist, brings an extensive background in acupuncture and a unique ability to alleviate chronic pain and manage conditions such as insomnia and digestive system ailments. He has built a reputation for successfully treating a range of conditions, including headaches, sciatica, scoliosis, frozen shoulder, whiplash syndrome, and arthritic conditions. His proven track record extends to the management of Parkinson’s disease, for which he has received significant positive feedback.
Kai’s approach to patient care is patient-centric, tailored to meet each individual’s unique needs. He believes in the potential of acupuncture as a powerful tool for achieving optimal health and a life free of pain. His dedication to his patients’ wellbeing aligns perfectly with NSSM’s vision of empowering individuals to lead healthier, more active, and fulfilled lives. North Shore Sports Medicine, a leading healthcare provider on the North Shore for over 30 years, offers a team-based approach to wellness, with longer appointments allowing for personalized, comprehensive care. As part of this dynamic team, Kai will be working alongside expert physiotherapists, massage therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, kinesiologists, and other healthcare professionals.
Come by for pickup and our personal touch! Friendly reminder that our products are available for in-store pickup only (at our Brooksbank location).
Gift cards, courses, and run programs still available online.
We are now offering Yoga!
We are excited to announce that Jessica Tremblay has joined our team at NSSM! She will be offering Yoga beginning January 2023. She will be teaching classes at Brooksbank on Wednesdays at 7:00pm and Fridays at 6:30am! Click here to book!
Our Spring Sale Has Started
You can see how this popup was set up in our step-by-step guide: https://wppopupmaker.com/guides/auto-opening-announcement-popups/
North Shore Sports Medicine Wins Canada Post’s Tales of Triumph Contest!
North Vancouver, BC — October 30, 2020 – We are excited to announce that we have won Canada Post’s Tales of Triumph contest in the “Weathering the Storm” category, a grand prize which includes national media coverage, and coaching sessions from Canada Post’s expert panel.
COVID-19 forced many businesses to find new and creative ways to stay running. Small businesses “Weathering the Storm” are working day in and day out to keep their lights on, showing they have what it takes to persevere and overcome unique challenges. The pandemic allowed us to rethink and reinvent how we provide our services as we switched to virtual Telehealth appointments during the shut-down, in order to continue providing the high-level care our patients know us for.
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Canada Post for acknowledging our hard work, and to our community of loyal patients who have put their trust into NSSM for over 30 years.