Registered Massage Therapist

Steven Oerlemans



Steven has always been interested in the mechanics of the human body and how good fitness is intrinsically linked to long-lasting health. Steve is a recent graduate of the Vancouver College of Massage Therapy, however he has been heavily involved in personal training and fitness in his personal life for over 20 years. He received a personal training certification through ACE in 2010 and has worked with numerous people to help them achieve their fitness goals.

Steve’s journey to become an RMT began after he was sidelined with a lower back injury when he was younger. Massage therapy was the reason that he was able to get back into the gym and training again. After this experience, Steve was compelled to join the RMT program so that he could help other people that have been injured while trying to pursue an active lifestyle. “I have always been interested in body development and wellness,” says Steve. “As I have based my life around fitness and personal wellbeing, becoming an RMT seemed like the logical next step.”

Steve was born and raised in North Vancouver, where he still resides. He enjoys bodybuilding, boxing, hiking and playing the guitar.

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