Foot Pain: Plantar Fasciitis
Published on August 18, 2020

Plantar Fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is a thick fibrous band of connective tissue that runs from the ball of the foot to the heel. When the plantar fascia is under severe stress it stretches too far and tears causing inflammation and pain.



The most common causes of plantar fasciitis are flat feet, high arches, a sudden increase in activity, weight gain, pregnancy, and poor footwear. Avid runners often develop plantar fasciitis, especially if they switch from training on softer to harder surfaces. Your feet need to be assessed to establish what type of footwear is appropriate. A physiotherapist can do this and also suggest a good local store to purchase appropriate footwear.



The most painful moment for those suffering from plantar fasciitis is the first step out of bed in the morning. At this moment, the fascia is in a shortened position after prolonged rest. At night the torn tissue heals, but in the morning, when you put weight on your feet, the motion pulls at the healing tissue and causes pain. These symptoms can range from mild to severe and linger for months.


Physiotherapy Treatment

A licensed physiotherapist can treat plantar fasciitis to decrease pain and discomfort, as well as decrease the risk of inflaming the plantar fascia in the first place. Your physiotherapist can teach you proper stretching, since tight hamstring and calf muscles can increase the strain on the plantar fascia, which in turn causes more pain. Treatment may also include techniques to reduce pain and swelling, as well as ways to ensure proper mechanics of the foot and leg as you move. In its most severe form, a night splint, heel cup or orthotics may be necessary. A first step is to never go barefoot – even in the house.

If you feel these symptoms contact one of our licensed physiotherapists at Deep Cove 604.929.8444 or Brooksbank 604.973.0242 for techniques to control the pain and inflammation of plantar fasciitis. In addition, you will learn exercises and techniques to prevent this painful condition from ever hampering your daily activities again.

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